About Me
Gary Horton has been a certified orthotist for more than 30 years and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthotist and Prosthetist, a member of the International Society of Orthotists and Prosthetists, and is currently president of the Arkansas State Orthotic and Prosthetic Association. He has worked with NASA to develop new innovative orthotic devices and uses these products in our facility. He also was appointed by the Governor to the Orthotics Prosthetics Pedorthics Advisory Board. This board oversees licencor in Arkansas, where he serves as Vice Chair.
Gary is President and CEO of Horton’s Orthotic Lab, Inc. and Horton Technology, Inc. He has founded several community events for children with physical disabilities. He was presented with the Clinical Creativity Award from the American Academy of Orthotist and Prosthetist in 2003. This award recognized his work on the Stance Control Orthotic knee™. He was also awarded the first ever Tamarack Prize in 2009 by OPERF for significant contributions to the practice and understanding of orthotics science. Gary is licensed in orthotics by the state of Arkansas.